Monday 23 August 2010

Construction of Us

Identities are mapped on to surface of bodies. The clothes you put on do not instantly make you the character you want to be. Clothes are life long journey into acquiring an identity.
When you see yourself that one wore a particular clothes to express or to belong in the certain time, event or mood, to represent yourself in particular way. Because we are all care about the way we look and how we are being seen by others so that we care about the way we dressed.
When you start to dress yourself, you are beginning your own future, everyday construction of who you are through what you wear.

My intention is to create this blog as a part of my MA project, in order to explore the way we represent ourselves through clothes. I am interested in how clothes and fashion can make you feel and its consequences as well as how can we enjoy fashion without being a fashion victim.
I believe that fashion is a tool that we can use to construct our own identity but how we use it is also important because if it is true that fashion lead us to create an identity, so what kind of self to be created is still be a question.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting subject...keep it up.


    Your loyal follower

