Saturday, 30 October 2010

Shoes Face

Never come close to see what your shoes face might be.
Never know who actually put on that shoes, never meet your
 true reflection.

There might be a solution...

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Whose shadow

Your face in your shoes.
Recognition of one shadow may lead to constructive dimension of self.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Sun Sun Sun!

I recently working on something between daylights and the ground, to actually see that my feet still standing on stiff surface. Sunday was very sunny so I took my fingers for a walk.

The obvious is not to be identified.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Power of Transformation

I read an essay today from written by Indigo Clarke
and I think it's great to share here.

A thought that has often occurred to me over the years, ever since I first realised my love of fashion as a crazed tutu-and-novelty-John-Lennon-spectacles-loving child and more acutely as a teenager, is the way we use fashion to escape reality or immerse ourselves in it, and to conceal/camouflage our bodies, or reveal them.

Clothing has always had such an effect on me because of its power to transform not just how I look, but how I feel. I’ve often said that in the same way a beautiful, artfully designed and sun-filled space can positively affect our mood, so can the clothing we wear. People talk about the frivolous nature of fashion, and when it’s compared with other art forms, it’s generally considered unimportant. I don’t love the whole ‘status’ thing about fashion, and definitely don’t care about labels – I love what I love, be it a vintage piece, a designer dress or something I knocked up on the sewing machine. I don’t think fashion is important because it’s an industry with a lot of influence and money behind it, but I do think it’s important because it is the art and architecture we wear, the armour that can make us feel brave and empowered, like the person we want to be.
As a teen, I loved to wear my hair cropped super-short and brightly coloured, piercings, little dresses, doc boots and flea-market finds under five dollars – a pretty good escape from the body-con beach and bikini reality that is living in Sydney by the ocean. As I’ve gotten older, the desire to immerse myself in my own little world of music, art and crazy fashion dissipated as the realities of life, work, rent set in…. And while personal style might change its course and become more understated with maturity, fashion never loses its ability to transform. On a bad day to be able to entirely change your mood and outlook, to put something on that you feel transforms your body, and in so doing, your mind, is a powerful – and important – thing.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Identity Under Your Footstep!

Which shoes are your best friend? I gathered some sample of different women shoes types here to get your attention on how shoes can depict on your personality... and it's said something about yourself. 

Drop me answer:
what is your favorite shoe type? 
why? (3 adjective) 

Stay tune for next step!


Saturday, 16 October 2010

Gestures Are Beauty.

"Ideas are important, especially dangerous ideas." Terence Koh

I like this website that I just found Style Like U

I believe the same way they're trying to do, every individual story is a wonderful transition of life, it's inspiring and should be told.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Reflective Cinema Part II

Last tuesday, at Pound Camden we first experience how costume from Thai movies can change perception of yourself, live a night in a movie. How we use to dream to be someone else and what allow us to do so through clothes.

Reflective Cinema: The Reflection of Self Identity and Film!

It was very fun and a lot of laughs and smiles.
We loved to have you great people love Reflective Cinema.

Follow Reflective Cinema for more update!

Monday, 11 October 2010

Reflective Cinema : Let's your personality shine!

Last week I introduced you to a new way of life.
Here is a chance to experience some of it.

Tomorrow at HORSEPLAY ART CLUB at 

at Proud Camden Galleries, London, UK 
12th of October, 7.30pm to 1.00am

Reflective Cinema, collaboration project to challenge your perception of identity and new way to experience Thai cinema.

Follow this blog 'Reflective Cinema' to get some more insight of this project.
Here some flavors to be serve at the event.

Important news:
When you enter Behind The Screen 'Dressing Room' you allow to pick your flavor to be taste and get a chance to act on the role of movie character and get freebies as a return of participation.

Get yourself ready to be in front of the camera, Only for the night, let your personality shine!

OH! our handmade freebie is very limited first come first serve
(Reflective Cinema)

Be there!

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Unfinished Project.

This alluring concept of identity and clothes got me into making video. It is my project artefact that need constructive feedback to develop more and more.

This video was made intentionally for educational purpose, as an artefact to test the idea of my project.It is very low budget, homemade clip that seriously focus on testing the idea not the aesthetic point of view. 

This video installation demonstrates the idea of the act of gazing and connection between viewers’ perceptions and clothed bodies. It allows viewers to question the construction of our bodies which are fabricated by clothes. Since clothes create at least half the look of any person at any moment, our visual perceptions of the body shaped by the way we live through clothed body. We prepare our bodies for the public display and present ourselves in quite intentional ways. In this sense, bodies’ images form the basic understanding of selfhoods. Our identities are shaped both by our physical performances and how others perceive us in public arena. You look at others while you are being looked. Clothes are the visible body. Our identities are manifested through a visual language. They are a dialogue of society. They signify our identities in the eyes of others, and, at the same time, signify our perceptions of our identities. 

In order to test this artefect, I'd like to get comment and feedback after you watch this video, this would help me improve and develop the concept further. 


How do you feel after you watch it?

What kind of message came across from watching this video?

Can this change your perception about clothes, body and personal identity?

Monday, 4 October 2010

Life is like ice cream, One lick at a time.

'I Scream Factory'
Let's me introduce you to a new way of life. 
Introduced by my beloved friend Alexandra 'Lou' Plesner.

The interesting fact is that I get an amazing opportunity to feature at this exciting exhibition :HORSEPLAY ART CLUB at 

at Proud Camden Galleries, London, UK 

12th of October, 7.30pm to 1.00am

Check out the project information here!

Surprise concept that will challenge your identity perception will be there.

Stay tune.

Visit Alex's website here:

Confidential Recipe!

Serving a dish is not that difficult but cooking and serving an extraordinary delicious dish is not that easy.

I promised to tell you more about my investigation progress. I am now at this risky point where I've found all of my recipe's ingredients, obviously the good kinds. I just need to figure out how to deal with it, how am I going to cook it, how I want it to taste,smell, should I add colors or spices, what kind of seasoning I prefer. There are several  important factors I need to take in consideration. But most of the thing is that how can I make people like it, love the taste of it. I need to make them feel this special long lasting flavor that melting in their mouth once they taste my recipe. Most important thing make them talk about it afterward.

This is just a appetizing metaphor. Don't get me wrong but who can resist good food?

Drawing credits.

Stone's eyes of Ritual.

Captured human bodies transformation and beauty of interdependent creatures as a state of art. 

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Optimism As Cultural Rebellion

I admired his technique that captured ritual of our bodies and it show a connection between human being and the society, not the earth but the world we chose to live in.

“Optimism is the Vital Force that Entangles itself with and then Shapes the Future.” - Matthew Stone

Churning bodies dissect rhythmic windows that open onto varied states of concentrated being. A collage of  limbs and interconnected consciousness, involving and depicting transcendental states, meditations and ecstatic dance, spin into contemporary motion. The body is shown and used to free the viewer from their own. Stone’s work revolves specifically around creative interactions and community, based on the idea that individual autonomy can be successfully combined with the power of collectivity.
Click to his Blog - Matthew Stone