Tuesday, 31 August 2010

We Are The Creature Of Senses.

   Last few days, I've been obsessing with Avant-Garde films from 30s and 40s.
One of my favorite film maker is Maya Deren. Everything that she did in her films and other project she had is there the condensation, the intensity and the perfection of as a film like a poem, it reaches detail after details. Everything is set, exhausted, the point made and simple perfect!

Her films involved quite a lot of dream theory, her love of mirror,surrealism and anthropology.

We are the creature of senses. Indeed the sense of becomingness.
The time quality of women, women had strength to wait.
Time had build in her body in the sense of becomingness, and she see everything in the stage of becoming.

When an image always becoming another. That is, it is what is happening, this is important in Deren's film and in real life. This is a women's time sense.

Click to watch some of her film here:

At Land, Maya Deren.
A Study In Choreography For Camera, Maya Deren
Meshes Of The Afternoon, Maya Deren

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Rarely 'perfect'

Who is fashion for? Is it the wearer or the viewer? Fashion is both an internal and external experience of the body, a three-way communication between designer, wearer and those who observe, each adding their own patina of taste. Fashion is embodied and performed and exists in movement, although it is very often consumed in static display in the pages of a magazine or newspaper. A confection of styling, lighting, accessories, props and artifice create beautiful desirable fashion sculptures: but let’s see fashion move and perform! The static fashion image at its creative best steps up to new heights, breaking new ground visually, but all too often appears rather contrived or anodyne. In contrast, the spectacle of the high fashion catwalk creates drama and theatre in the hands of those designers with a visionary personal style, which feeds the entire fashion system for seasons to come.

Fashion, whether static or moving, should be for many bodies. The body is rarely 'perfect' in all its multiplicities. Fashion is diversity. How fashion feels is emotional within and on the body: the caress of cloth on the skin, the stiffness of new jeans, the coolness of silk, the constraint of a corseted bodice, the firm grip of new shoes, the comfort of cashmere, the rustle of satin, the power of a new jacket, the ease of stretch materials which move when we do. Fashion can simultaneously reveal and conceal the naked body with second skin clothing; or disguise the form by enveloping the body, draping it in fluid fabric, or encasing it in an imposed or distorted silhouette. Designs may accentuate waist, hips, shoulder, buttocks, breasts or feet, pushing societal boundaries. In extremis the body becomes a grotesque and fetishised site.

Who is fashion for?: Sandy Black

The Fashion Body

The Clothes act as a frame. They give our bodies meaning, but do not define them. The body can be read and understood without clothes, but without the body, clothes are rendered meaningless.

The Fashion(able) Body: Olivia Marks.

Fashion is not fashion without a body. In two dimensions there is simply a blueprint on paper, shapes imposed on cloth. These must be fashioned and nurtured from two to three dimensions, darted, pulled, eased and stretched perhaps; layered, crimped, sliced, tucked and pressed.

Who is fashion for?: Sandy Black

Friday, 27 August 2010

A paradox of adornment, of seduction and of fashion.

'If fashion is about selling desire to the masses, when it turns away from traditional notions of beauty and attraction we must question the reasons behind it.'

Nevertheless we are all stylized to meet our imaginative ideal of perfect body.

The one you expect, the one you love or the one you never see.

Credit: Make up your mind - SHOWstudio.com

Thursday, 26 August 2010

In the Search of Unity.

Clothes were a key to the modern consumer's sense of 'Identity'

We are what we wear is mostly true, in the way that we reflect on ourselves from materialization.

I want to elaborate the evidence of identity that swirl on our streets.
On top of that what we see on street and what we are looking at here is adornment of naked bodies.


Don't forget that 'You look at others while you being looked at' 

Photos from Streetpeeper

In Contax Eyes

Fashion Photography has constituted both techniques of representation and techniques of self-formation.

The relationship between successive techniques of fashion photography and techniques of femininity has been integral to the way in which the fashionable body has been shaped through time.

Photos credit: Juergen Teller

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Dans la main de Picasso, de célébrer de manière à nous voir

In hand of Picasso, celebrate way to see ourselves.

I went to this delightful exhibition today. I personally think that it is somehow influenced our perception on the manifestation of self. You will be impress by his brush stroke.
I hope you find it inspiring as much as I did.

More information about this exhibition:

Friday, 4 June – Saturday, 28 August 2010

6-24 BRITANNIA STREET T. 020.7841.9960